Checklist Support Service
Get your case off to a positive start
If you feel daunted by the prospect of an upcoming CHC Checklist, our Nurse Assessors can provide expert guidance and support.
The first stage of the CHC assessment process is the Checklist. This is intended to be a simple screening exercise to filter out those individuals who clearly don’t qualify for CHC funding. A positive Checklist does not mean the person will be found eligible for CHC, only that they require a full assessment using the Decision Support Tool.
The bar is set intentionally low at this stage to ensure that anyone who may qualify receives a full assessment. However, all too often we hear of Checklists being completed incorrectly with the result that people are not referred to the next stage, even though they meet the criteria.
One way to maximize the chances of a positive Checklist is to employ an advocate to support you. As qualified professionals with many years’ experience, our Nurse Assessors can offer expert representation.
Our approach
The main steps involved in our Checklist Support Service:
- Arranging a virtual meeting between you and one of our specialist CHC Nurse Assessors to discuss your relative’s health and social care needs
- Arranging a virtual meeting between our Nurse Assessor and the care provider to fill in any gaps
- Arranging our Nurse Assessor’s remote attendance at the CHC Checklist meeting to support you and ensure the assessment is robust, fair and accurate
- Providing you with a follow-up report