Nurse Advice Line

A steer in the right direction

We know that many people are given false or misleading information about the availability of NHS CHC Funding.

No one in the system seems keen to provide reliable advice to families who are looking into whether their relative may qualify for this funding. That is why people find this service so helpful.

Our approach…

The Nurse Advice Line is designed for those in the early stages of the CHC assessment process.

You will speak to a qualified CHC Nurse Assessor, with a high degree of expertise in this specialized field, who will be able to offer you honest, impartial advice about your relative’s care needs and whether they might qualify for CHC funding.

If our Nurse Assessor does not believe your relative meets the criteria, they will tell you. However, if they believe there is a chance of success, there are further services we can offer to guide and support you through the application and assessment process.

Nurse on phone

We can help & advise

We understand it can be overwhelming.
Speak to our friendly team today.

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Our Free Guide contains essential information about what NHS Continuing Healthcare funding is and how it works.

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